Today, several technologies can change our perception of reality. You have probably heard something about augmented reality and virtual reality, but do you know the difference?
Let’s look at a simple example.
When you try on wallpaper on a wall from a photo, it’s AR, and when you think you’re jumping off a skyscraper, but take a step on a rug in the middle of the room, it’s VR.
Let’s find out what AR technology is, how it works, and how it differs from VR in detail.If you wish to know more about the IT sphere, check this blog. They share the latest trends in AI and IT there.
What is Augmented Reality (AR)?
AR is a combination of the virtual with the real, and allows data to be “contextualized. Although most examples are related to vision, augmented reality can “augment” any of the five senses.
The widespread use of computers and mobile devices has breathed new life into augmented reality technology. It has become possible to “add” AR objects directly to the physical world rather than to its image with the help of special programs. For example, you download an application to your smartphone that promises you can look at 3D models of animals in full size.
What is Virtual Reality?
By this reality is meant a technically generated space with which a person interacts through various sense channels. Virtual reality is created similarly to computer simulation. To influence the human senses, special equipment is used. It allows you to cut yourself off from the physical world and create a convincing picture and the desired sensations.
How are Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality similar?
Both VR and AR are the technologies that enlarge human opportunities and open up new perspectives in ecommerce, entertainment, medicine, education and other spheres. VR is an intuitive technology that affects at least two of the five senses. These are sight and sound. The technology creates a strong sense that you are in a completely different place, even when you are not there.
AR and VR are similar in their vision of the future. Experts agree that both technologies will continue to develop, and VR/AR projects will become more and more complex and useful every year. With the development of technology, devices that support AR and VR reality will become more powerful and can broadcast images of higher quality. To consult about VR/AR software development or custom IT solutions, you can get in touch with the experts.
How do Augmented and Virtual Realities Differ?
The main difference between VR and AR is that VR is a computer world that completely replaces the current environment and is now increasingly used in different applications. It uses a special language, VRML, which creates a group of images and then overlay and interact with each other.
With the use of AR one remains in the real world. It’s just that some objects are made three-dimensional with the help of special software. When using high-quality software, the boundaries between the real and artificial worlds are erased from the user’s mind. For example, a person puts on AR glasses and then turns his gaze to a tablet, where the image comes to life.
AR is the future of marketing and many areas of business. From medicine and aircraft engineering to video games and dating services, everything will be wrapped up in AR technology. As a result, the real world is supplemented with artificial elements and new information.
Unlike AR, VR is a complete immersion in a computer-generated world. You need a special helmet or glasses to perceive this reality. Therefore, both AR and VR is very useful for product developers, because they can save time and reduce errors.
The active development of AR/VR technologies helps in the implementation of a variety of projects from the virtual fitting of glasses and hairstyles to landscape design and design of buildings and networks.